The Mitch ! Blog - By Mitchell Tolentino

It's Mitchell Tolentino and his delightful comments.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Remmebering a Spanish Television Legend...Raúl Velasco

Hi Everyone,

I truly hoped that you great thanksgiving day last week.

Unfornatly , There was another passing for Television, This time on Spanish TV.
If you ever saw during weekends on the Spanish network Univision during the 1970's , 80's and 90's, There was one show on every sunday called "Siempre en Domingo", that aired about 7 or 8:00 at night. Better Known as "El Senor" Raul Velasco, he was the Ed Sullivan, Dick Clark of Mexico and Latin America. He made Ricky Martin and Julio Iglesias, among others as household names in latin homes. He died of complication of heart and hapatus illines. Also, he had tranplant recently many years ago. My memories of his show would be seeing Julio Iglesias, but the Trio's that he brought up. Those's were classics as well as all of his shows. He retired in late 90's from his legendary show. He's beloved in Mexico and everywhere else. Ironcailly, He died on Sunday oddly a often on same title of show "Domingo". He might be gone however his long archive of video will no doubt last.

Rual, May God Bless your Soul,
Thank You - Mucho Gracias


*** You Can look at the information on Raúl Velasco provided by Univision***


here's the website,

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Saying So Long to Another TV Friend, Ed Bradley

Hi everyone,

This is a special note today, a passing of a legend in televison and on radio.

Ed Bradley, without a doubt will be missed everyone. He had such a presence.
"Easy Ed" as he was known at CBS and he was just that. The way he interview anyone is something that should be taken note by anybody in television journalism.

I believe there was no one better to represent in the "advil" commercial than Ed Bradley during his stint in the late 1980's and early 90's.

I'm saddened that I didn't get to meet him at CBS when I was a intern at WCBS Newsradio 8.80 earlier this year. However, I feel very honored to walk in the same steps in building that Ed , Dan Rather and Walter Cronkitein were in. Ed Bradley's career took off during an assignment in Cambodia in 1971, getting nearly killed in the process of reporting. He was the first Black person to anchor the evening news, among other accomplishments in his career at CBS. However, he was better known for more than 25 years as one of the"mod squad of reports" for "60 Mintues".

My condolence for CBS Family, including where he began at WCBS and "60 Mintues".

Speacial Thank to The AP and CBS for Photos.

Ed , May God bless you, You may be gone but not forgotten, Thanks


Friday, October 27, 2006

Yomo Toro & Friends

Along with my friend from Chicago Neil who plays El Cuatro that has a
We taped this a couple of years ago, please enjoy this, Mitch.
Please click twice to be able to watch. Thanks.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Hard To Say "Good Bye" To A Bronx Baseball Tale.

Hi everyone, How's summer? It's gone very quick! Hope your's was enjoyable.
I like to point out the New Yankee Studium II and comments however first,
valuable people are hard to come by in this world sometimes. Losing people like that is very hard to come by, especially when a person works with patients at a health center. About more than week ago, an extended family member, Miriam Monet Marshall, had an unfortunate car accident and died. She spend a night out at Mohegan Sun with her husband. The details say that she wasn't feeling well and slept at back seat of a SUV while was her husband was driving.
It's said that he fell asleep at the wheel and the suv hit and scratch the fence on the curb of the highway. When they got home, he thought that she was still sleeping called her but when he open back door he notice that she had blue lips. He did everything revive her but even with
paramedics couldn't do nothing. I presume they still investigating the cause of death.??
My heart felt condolence to my extended family at Springfield, Mass.

About Yankee Stadium, It's hard to come by and lose speacial place in sports. It hosted Popes, Heavyweight matches, Championchip football games and not to metion 39 World Series and many post season games. It's the other mecca of sports. The Grand chruch of baseball.
I agee with people of the Bronx who hate the idea of parting stadium. However, It is driving by one thing - MONEY. the new Stadium will not the fillmiller Bronx Court House off of right field.
The seen will no doubt be changed. Start getting your tickets now because Stadium is a Classic now.

Thank you,

I'm Mitchell Tolentino.

Be Well, God Bless to all...

- Miriam, where ever your at, you are deeply missed, May God Rest your soul, God Bless.....

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Another installment by Mitch.


It's been a while seen my last posting. It's a long summer and sometimes you just have take it easy.

My heart goes out to Queens, New York because of no light for the past week.
You know people should get out of their houses or what have you and go to the beach.
Main thing is stay cool and stay safe...

There be more later from The Mitch.

I'm Mitchell Tolentino, thanks...

Saturday, July 08, 2006

All About The Money...

Hi folks,

I hope you truly had a wonderful 4th of July week or weekend, depending on vacation or what not. Happy Holidays...

You know comments is first is on those bad rude people who wanted to do a party with us again.
The guys from overseas, who stays in our beautiful country and try to blow it up again , by way of using our heavy mass traffic areas like tunnels and bridges in the New York tri-state areas.
Shame on them on those who want to put hurt into our system again. It's NOT worth it!
Think about yourself and others who depend on delivery of FOOD that come via truck to your supermarket. You got to eat, let's face it. Common sense folks, come on , let's use our minds and think.

To my respect of money, I love money-"In god, we trust", there is no question about that.
The only thing that problem is saving it and spending it. Now, we all know in the states, there's two things that sure things, "death and taxes", and in between that are bills. The bills would have to up there in list of things along with food. Then comes other stuff like you can't get ladies if don't have it. Nor for that matter "sex". I'm unemployed at the moment and it sucks. I have school dilemma that part of it personally. However , I'm sort of stuck but not for long.It's just that other people are have fun and I'm not. Other people have it and I don't. People misuse money for stupid things. They spend on stupid because they make stupid money that should be use on important things like bills or saving it for a house. For me, it's a house and a driveway to park the car. It's all about money today and I think must pay attention to what we do with it.

I'm Mitch, stay cool...

The Mitch! Blog by Mitchell Tolentino

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

a Knicks 'O' Mess , a Dolan a Mess...

Let it be known that Larry Brown has nothing to be blemed for what he did last season.

Sure, 23 wins isn't enough for everybody when comes to basketball in New York. Whatever happend Thursday afternoon wasn't enough for James Dolan, the big boss at MSG. Enough is Enough said Dolan ( In him Mind that is). Knicks President and now Head Coach Isiah Thomas has to clean up the mess that he made.

Looking the at the Al Trautwig interview with Dolan and Thomas, I say Dolan looks out of shape with a belly. Too much Hot Dogs and sweets at the Garden when Knicks were getting whopped.

Thomas has nothing to be knock for however you know that he has to get knock because what happanig outside of basketball operation.

To me, Dolan has to get in shape and learn from "Old Jorge" George Steinbrenner in how to run a team. There really isn't system that I feel that their run by. For Isiah, these players under his wing are going to listen to him because he's been there and done that. Dolan should give him two years and see happends next.

Those are my comments, Speacial thanks to MSG Network for the Still photo.

Thats Hey Mitch!

Mitchell Tolentino